MELT by Hunter Frederick

>initiating print #24507
>printing . . . . .
>print complete
>cooling . . . . .
>additional cooling required, please wait . .
>initiating scan
>scan complete
>analyzing scan:
>analysis complete
>print #24507: FAILURE
>running diagnostics
>analyzing artistic database
>analyzing failed prints
>creating print structure
>estimated time to print: 138 minutes
>initiating print #24508
playing last recorded message . . . .
“This is ridiculous. Leaving a message on a computer during the end of the world. So original. And I could be doing so much more. But I guess very little of it matters. I ran out of time like everyone else. Anyway, hello to the Future! I have made a successful art career in this valley, but I never felt like I peaked. And I’m running out of time. We all are now, with THE HEAT coming soon. It’s a matter of days and we’re all scrambling for the middle of the country like that will save us. Whole planet is under the thumb of that orb in the sky and we’re going to feel it soon. Which is why I made this. AI art was hot button like 16 years ago, but I saw past that. Anyway, I collected a database of every bit of art I could find online, and fed it into this beast and hooked up a 3D printer. Then machine learning judges the print versus a standard of perfection made from the database. With enough time, it should print a masterpiece. My masterpiece, to be found by whatever comes after us on this damn rock. All I have to do is finish setting up the cooling system for the room. Had to wait on some parts, but I guess cool is all we’re thinking about now that the THE HEeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaa- *ffffzzzzzkkkkkk*”
end of recording
Untitled by s1mb10t3

maxprogression.psd by Grace Mc Nally

Digital Art and Physical Art by Matthew Loyd

The future holds a further blurring of the lines between the digital and physical. For better or for worse, things will become a gradient mush of the two spaces of information, life, and social interaction. Art sits in an interesting spot, there’re always new developments in the spaces of digital art and physical art. There’s a love right now for the digital space and technology of course, one could even call it obsession. NFTs, art made by artificial intelligence; some folks thought these things would topple the current art world, but I say it’s only adding onto the heap. They don't have to compete and really I think the two could (and in some ways, should) coalesce to create new art. In a sense, digital art has brought about the “death of art”, or rather the second death. Some art critics and scholars claim the modernist art movement is what spurred on the “death of art”: the rapid recontextualization of what art is or what an art piece is, looks like, or represents. I think the hyper-accessibility to art online and now the ability to make AI art, especially that, has led to the second “death”. The way in which people are now interacting with, making, seeing, and appreciating art is very different. Even objects in museum collections from different cultures that we, today, consider “art”, existed in completely different cultural contexts, spaces, and served different uses and appreciations beyond their physical appearance. The art space now is hyper-democratized. No longer does there have to be a distinction between “artist” and “art-viewer/non-artist”; anyone can put a prompt into AI and create an image (the blurring of this distinction goes even further since AI has the ability to train using already existing art to create new art). However, art in the physical space will still remain, proliferate, and have value, because of the fact that it is tangible, temporal, and visible in three dimensions (until VR becomes as accessible as the iPhone I guess). I want to see more intersections of the two spaces: can we make sculptures that an AI sculpts on a computer? What about a USB as a readymade, and all the art pieces are files on it? A canvas with a line of code that when imputed into a computer, gives you back an image? Digital art has come a long way and has a long way to go, and I think our relationship with our tech and the desire for “progress” and “modernity” will determine how that same relationship evolves. Art will simply follow suit, as a byproduct, but I think it will be able to give a peek into that relationship and our culture that our consciousness may not readily provide. At the end of the day, art will be art.